WSB grows from day to day. WSB success so far because wasabers keep support us. Wasaber also increasing and we have many kind, helpful, friendly wasaber and able to cooperate in what we need. WSB want to thank wasabers who always support WSB.
To be listed in the poster, you must :
To be listed in the poster, you must :
1. Active in WSB community.
2. Friendly with other wasabers.
3. Follow other wasabers blog.
4. Keep supporting each others.
5. Selalu lepak kupi² di saaaaaaaana CRB!
Poster week proceeded with color ....
colors selected again this week to coordinate the color theme for this week's Christmas celebration. Hopefully wasaber like the theme of the posters for this week.
BOTM December Edition. JOIN NOW!
Poster week proceeded with color ....
colors selected again this week to coordinate the color theme for this week's Christmas celebration. Hopefully wasaber like the theme of the posters for this week.
Here we go!
WSB & crews :
"Merry Christmas" to wasabers who celebrate the celebartion. We hope you get a a lot of fortune and a blessings life.
BOTM December Edition. JOIN NOW!
yeah, christmas spirit..ada topi santa kelaus lagi...haha.. nice one
huhuhuh...this is the 2nd week my name still tidak appear...=( sedihnya...admin, apa citeria baru utk nama to be appear again?
betul2 xmas mode oo kan... lalalalala...
huhu..teda nama mau bt supaya ada nma ni?hehe
meri krismes!!!!
5 days to go. Merry Christmas 2010.
Merry Christmas~!! ^_^
teda nama sayaaa.. wuuuuu~
Blessed Christmas everyone! Thanks WSB
nama sia makin kecik la pulakkkkk :(
sori. kpd siapa yg namanya tdk appear dsini. Kadang aku knl tidak tau nama kmu. Nama dlm poster ni aku ambil dr nama pdftrn kmu. Jd, ada nama kamu d fb n dlm pdftrn lain..aku x dpt cam...leh pkenalkan diri? :k
Diana :s hahaha
@Adminmacamana mau perkenalkan diri?
nma sya..nGiau..heheheh
aikk mana nama sy..?
I spotted my name there ^_^
kecik sdh nama ku.hahax