WSB Blogger of the Month: October Edition

with her blog
With the highest percentage of votes, A Paint of Life had been chosen as the October Edition Blog of the Month. This blog potrays the life of StellaClaire from her own point of view. She believes that "Sharing is Caring", so any events that happen in live will give an impact in others live in a good way.
~Interview Session~
WSB : How do u feel after you found out that you had choosen to be WSB Blog of the Month?
StellaClaire : Firstly, I would like to thank WSB for choosing me to be the top 4 finallist and to all my fellow blogger buddies who had voted me for it. I'm very touched with all your support and this would be one of the experience that I'll remembered forever :)
WSB : What is your opinion about WSB?
StellaClaire : To be frank, WSB is GREAT. The community is not just active but constantly updated. For example, as new members around registered, they are always welcome and all the members will know about it via WSB page on facebook. WSB also appreciate its members by giving badge to active bloggers; even though its just a badge but it means a lot to people. In addition, the community not just help to increase blog traffic but it also I had fun meeting new friends and gain various information through their blogs. I hope there will be more people joining WSB in the future. I really feel that WSB had become one of bloggers brand hahaha.
WSB : Here is your time to give a few words of appreciacion :D
StellaClaire : Thank you again to those who had voted for me and to the WSB community who had organized this contest. Thank you very much for choosing my blog as WSB Blog of the Month : October Edition. Hopefully, there will be more content like this in the future to bring all the bloggers from Sabah to enliven the blogging industry in our beloved state, Sabah :) WSB will always have my support! :)
So, Wasaber... lets spread some love to the
What more sweet than a visit to congratulate? Let's hit it!
p/s: WSB Blogger of the Month: November Edition is coming right up. Do you have what it takes to be one of the WSB Blogger of the Month?
Abundance blessing and love to fellow WASABER ~
WOW tq sooo much WSB.. tq Just!.. :)
Congratz Stell!!! macam sy mo buat videu pla taw. macam siuk ni. terpikir sy cemana klo kana interbiu haha~ woooot~
TQ GLay..hahaha..mau buat video pula.. November ada lg..cepat join..hehe!
ya kan, mcm mana la muka sya kena interbiu tuu..haha
congrats stell!!
Congratz ya stel..:D
congratz stella...:)
big congratulation to the winner..!! keep up the good work and spread the love all around.. :)
Welcome to all..:)
Ni semua support dr kamurang juga ba kan..
'My day would not be the same with WSB' :P
Congrats Stella...peewittt....you go girl..hehe
Congrats Stella.. :D
congratsss ^^^^ takajut sia..ekeke.. pdhl ..sda ku agak..hehe.. tahniah k
congrats stella!!na.. u deserve it!;)
tahniah stella :-)
congrattsss :D
Yayy! spreading some love to the winner here...Congrats Stella! peeewitt :D
congratulation :))!
selepas amek masa 3 jam setengah selak kamus mau kasi faham lu punya interbriu session, wa ucap kan congrats lah sama lu. ada masa kita makan malam cahaya lilin ok. Sharing is caring, caring is loving. Lob Lob peace.
thaniah tahniah?!!!!!!!!! hehehe
congrats stella...adeihh lamanya aku rs x masuk sini....:) da agak bah ko yg memang~ yes yes!! belanjaaa laaa topup >__< ehehe
@Catherine- stel..ada urg mina blnja..keh²
tetinggal sudaayhh..hehe..
congratss sis^^ bila mau blanja neyh?ngehngeh
big applause sama c Stelle..she deserved it bh ..i love her blog too
ala..lama suda sya nda jenguk2 komen di sini..atukoi.. thanks to all.. ba sepa pula bakal winner for November.. hehe!
edmin: aih, ada org minta belanja ka.. Nda cukup owh.. Rm10 yg ko bg tu suda abis..hehe