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BLOG OF THE MONTH : September Edition

In your opinion, which blog should be chosen as "WSB BLOG OF THE MONTH" : September Edition?


Now, it's time to blogwalkin' into Wasabers blogs. Yeehaa!!

Drop your comment bah! ;)

49 Respon dari Wasaber.

  1. uiiii, sapa yg terpilih tu ya, hihihi :)

  2. select the top 5 or top 3 and then create a poll that allowing all the members to vote. but first, before voting, they have to judge all the selected blog then vote. don't vote for nothing. ensure whenever we put our vote in, we can't see the result, only the admin will know and then admin will announce it.

    just an opinion btw. :)

  3. Admin says:

    Lom g..bru mau blogwalk kat wasabers pny blog..azura, blogwalk next stop is your blog..keh²

  4. Admin says:

    Uiyo..good idea.tQ Arie richi. But first wsb need to blogwalk, to make a decision..:)

  5. yeah.. go go mr.admin! don't forget to leave behind your footprints in my blog k.. hehehe

  6. ya bagus2 dtg jak p blog sa ah, ada kuih sama kupi tu, ekekeke, sa pun baru habis blogwalking members wasaber ni...

  7. Admin says:

    arie : i just know your a medical student. future doc.keh²..yup, wait for my footpint.keh²

    Azura : lom abis raya lagi ba kan..ba,ngam la tu..anu itu almond london ada lg ka?keh²

  8. Ezra says:

    how bout me? lol! :PPP

  9. Admin says:

    .f.ezra : everybody got a chance ba..make sure your blog have the needed criteria. :)

  10. astaga, sa bukan sambut raya, mana ada kuih raya, hahaha, sa pun mau minta kamu ni, ekekeke!

  11. Admin says:

    adei..x sambut raya ka?mana la aku tau..keh²..mari la dtg rumah..ada lg la kueh² skit..he²

  12. bah buli, mana rumah ko? nanti ku bawa satu kg p beraya, ekekekekee!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
  14. Admin says:

    Azura : klu 1 kg, bangkut aku trus..keh²
    kaoru : refer d entry sblm ni..ada kriteria..hehe

  15. aku pun mau dtg beraya juga la.. sedap ka makanan, kalo tdk sedap, tdk mau dtg la.. haha

  16. Admin says:

    ahahaha..dpersilakan wasaber tuk braya d rmh aku..amcm klu WSB wat gathering.. ok ka?

  17. okay ba kalo WSB.. tp bila?? muka aku ni boleh dijumpai di sabah masa january sma july ja.. hehe

  18. Admin says:

    adedei..ko la wasaber y plg jauh d mata tp dkt dhati..d india ba..pny jauh..hehe

  19. haha..apa blh buat.. sdh nasib badan kena campak jauh2.. ;p

  20. Admin says:

    hehehe..ko la wasaber plg bjaya..ko bakal jd dr. wasaber la ni..keh²

  21. eh.. mr.admin ni.. aku biasa2 ja.. sama ja mcm org lain.. ahli wasaber msti ramai lg bejaya ni.. ;)

  22. Admin says:

    amin~~ dharapkan smua ahli wasaber dberikan kjayaan dlm bidg y dceburi. :)

  23. adooii!! ndak perasan aku ada komen mengomen berlaku di sini! wakakaka! okay2~ gini bro~ ko pi tengok, mana ko pilih~ pilih 3~ pastu, ko buat pool macam yang kawan2 kat atas cakap tu, pastu, ko publish kat pool 3 blog terpilih~ biar wasaber yang pilih~ amcam? sedap kan??!!!!!!!!! <---marah~ wakakakaka!

  24. Admin says:

    mazeer : aku rasa aku wat tu utk next month la..bln ni aku da round smua wasabers..ada bbrp y admin bkenan..keh²..result reveal tomorrow.. :)

  25. "macam kawan2 kat atas cakap tu" tu aku lah mazeer. hehe..

    bolah ba kalo ko mr.admin.. ko juga la yg paling hensem sini tau.. haha

  26. Admin says:

    hahahaha..jgn gtau org ba..keh²..

  27. oit! aku ko mau letak d mana? seiras pelakon neyh mukakku!! hahahaha!

  28. pelakon yg mna 1 ni mazeer?? kalo sekadar macam saiful apek, tdk hensem tuuu.. hahahaha.

  29. Admin says:

    hahaha..muka dia mcm sam bunkface tu izwan..keh²

  30. ya..sdh aku tgk muka dia mcm mana.. mata sepet.. hahahaha..

  31. Admin says:

    ko doc kan..ko operate muka dia..ko pahat² skit la..kasi jd mcm mick jagger..hhahaha

  32. hahahaha..
    jgn ko jujur sngat ba mr.admin.. kesian si mazeer..
    ya ba mazeer, ko la jugak yg paling hensem woo..
    betul2 macam tu pelakon.. ;p

  33. Admin says:

    mazeer jak aku? jd aku y mcm shah rukh khan ni dmana ko mau simpan?

    ps : tlg amik aku gmbr srk dr dpn² klu kau tserempak ngan dia..keh²

  34. Eric@Boy says:

    well.. everyone will gonna speak out their own blog right so this might not be a suitable question here... why not trying to come out with a voting poll?

  35. Admin says:

    @Eric tQ for the idea..Maybe WSB BOTM : October Edition will be selected by voting poll.

    ps: WSB have a problem to put eric blog URL to WSB bloglist. When WSB put it in, it goes to "All Above" site. The bad news is, nobody can access to that site. Pls fix this problem.

  36. Admin says:

    @Eric problem fixed.

  37. kurang asam kamu izwan,alfian~ wakakakaka! mukak ku kamu mau bedah yaa~ aku mau macam michael jackson la! hahahaha! mana tau bleh jadi kaya~ wakakakaka!

  38. Eric@Boy says:

    I have already edited my feeds site.. hope everything will be alright back after this cause i aint have any follower from this WSB.. thanks to admin for trying earlier.. :)

  39. Admin says:

    @eric it looks like still have a problem..your URL still goes to abovemylife.blogspot.com after put it in WSB bloglist..i think you should change your URL name..

  40. takpa2, YB datang berkunjung sekarang~ saya akan jadi follower pertama dari komuniti ini~ hahahaha!

  41. Admin says:

    Wasabers sekalian..contohi YB wsb mazeer. Dia seorang y tulus ikhlas dlm komuniti WSB..Hidup mazeer..Hidup YB WSB!! Hidup..

  42. Eric@Boy says:

    it's ookay.. maybe it's a fate.. i'll stick :)

  43. WSB says:

    @Eric..tQ for your support..:)
    wait for your nametag..be an active wasaber..:)

  44. Eric@Boy says:

    I'm a new wasaber.. but will always gonna be a faithful wasaber from now! yeah! WSB rocks!

  45. Admin says:

    @eric, WOW! loyal wasaber ni..wait for your namtag..keh²

  46. Eric@Boy says:

    itu sudah pasti hehehehe

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Respon Anda...

Jangan tengok jak bah! Dikomen terusss!! :D

Nota : Pakai bahasa Sabah pun bulih bah! :)

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